Reisetbauer Carrot "Karotten" Eau de Vie (375ml)

SKU #1176763

Yes, this is for real. One of the world's most unusual and magnificent eau-de-vie, this true eau-de-vie is made from that humble vegetable - the carrot. Yet the aromatic components of this special product will not be found in any other spirit in the world. It's completely entrancing and absolutely unique. This is a perfect finishing drizzle for a Bloody Mary.

Price: $69.99

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Product Reviews:

By: Aaron Hughes | K&L Staff Member | Review Date: 2/16/2020 | Send Email
When Andrew our spirits buyer showed me that we had a carrot eau de vie, I didn't know what to think. How weird I thought to myself while smiling and nodding politely. I was a fool and this is absolutely amazing. It's everything that a carrot should and could be, but it's an eau de vie. It is the very essence of carrot, a study of carrot, a thesis on carrots written by a Professor of Carrotology. It's absolutely bizarre and yet at the same time makes complete and absolute sense. It is carrot, and my life will never be the same. Serve neat, chilled if you prefer and get ready to go for a wild experiential ride.

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